Men Should Be Screened for Osteoporosis, Too
Study found males less likely to have their bone density checked, but suffered worse outcomesContinue Reading
Study found males less likely to have their bone density checked, but suffered worse outcomesContinue Reading
Sports medicine experts lay out guidelines for injuries, sore musclesContinue Reading
Concerns about high calcium blood levels led to 10-year studyContinue Reading
New research reveals clues to disease severity, potential outcomesContinue Reading
Strengthening, stretching exercises help maintain stabilityContinue Reading
In study, people with osteoporosis were at higher risk for deafness occurring over a few daysContinue Reading
Out-of-pocket expenses keep many Medicare patients from taking needed drugs, study suggestsContinue Reading
Get weight-bearing exercise and increase dietary calciumContinue Reading
Added bone mass may help delay osteoporosis, study suggestsContinue Reading
Space forms between joints, causing popping sound, scans revealContinue Reading
Suggestions to help strengthen without straining
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But stronger bones did not translate into fewer fractures in this elderly, high-risk populationContinue Reading
Elbow ligament tears more common in South than NorthContinue Reading
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