WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2017 (HealthDay News) — A new treatment that aims electrical pulses at irritated nerves around the spinal cord appears effective at relieving chronic lower back pain and sciatica, a preliminary study suggests. The minimally invasive procedure, called image-guided pulsed radiofrequency, eased lingering pain in 80 percent ofContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2017 (HealthDay News) — They may temporarily ease pain, but new research suggests that steroid injections to arthritic hips may exacerbate bone trouble over the longer term. These injections have long been used “for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes for various joint conditions,” noted Dr. Crispin Ong, anContinue Reading

MONDAY, Nov. 27, 2017 (HealthDay News) — More younger Americans experience the aches and pains of arthritis than once thought. Roughly 91 million adults had arthritis in 2015. But the most surprising fact was that nearly one-third of sufferers were aged 18 to 64, a new study found. Those estimatesContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Nov. 23, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Dolly the sheep did not have early onset osteoarthritis after all, according to new research. Experts at the University of Glasgow and the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom said their findings dispel original concerns about the nature and extent of osteoarthritisContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Despite a long and illustrious pro baseball career, Tommy John is more famous as the source of the name for a surgical procedure than for the nearly 300 games the left-handed pitcher won. But Dr. Tommy John — who shares his dad’s nameContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Nov. 10, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Need another reason to keep your weight under control? Excess weight can cause dislocation of your knee and may even lead to a complication that results in amputation of your leg. A new study attributes a surge in dislocated knees to the U.S.Continue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Have rheumatoid arthritis? Treat yourself to some blueberries and a cup of green tea. They’re among the foods that could ease the pain, swelling and stiffness in your joints and even slow progression of the disease, researchers say. Dried plums, pomegranates, whole grains,Continue Reading