FRIDAY, Nov. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Arm and shoulder pain are common for women after breast cancer surgery, and beginning a supervised exercise program soon afterwards can go a long way to easing the discomfort, new research suggests. As the team of British investigators explained, restricted shoulder movement andContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Eating lots of fruits, veggies, beans and other foods with inflammation-cooling properties may lower your odds of developing dementia as you age. But, if your diet is loaded with pro-inflammatory foods, you may be up to three times more likely to experience memoryContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Nov. 9, 2021 (HealthDay News) — “Ultra-low” doses of the drug rituximab may be enough to keep some patients’ rheumatoid arthritis under control for several years, a new, preliminary study suggests. Researchers found that among 118 patients, low doses of the drug were comparable to standard ones in controllingContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Nov. 5, 2021 (HealthDay News) — At a veterinary clinic in the United Kingdom, the staff noticed a sudden and atypical increase in cats and dogs who were experiencing myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. Was it a coincidence that these animals were showing up severely ill fromContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Nov. 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Many people pop a zinc supplement at the first sign of a cold, and there’s new evidence supporting the habit. Australian researchers found that the supplements appear to help shorten respiratory tract infections, such as colds, flu, sinusitis and pneumonia. Many over-the-counter coldContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Oct. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A cheap and widely available antidepressant drug called fluvoxamine may reduce COVID-19 patients’ risk of serious illness requiring hospitalization, according to a new study. The trial included almost 1,500 unvaccinated outpatients in Brazil. All of the patients tested positive for infection with SARS-CoV-2Continue Reading

THURSDAY, Oct. 28, 2021 (HealthDay News) — The number of people experiencing numbness, pins and needles, and burning pain in their feet and toes seems to be on the rise, new research suggests, and some of these folks may be at increased risk for heart trouble. Exactly why there hasContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 19, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Survivors of spinal cord injuries who develop resilience are able to adapt and thrive despite the challenges, according to a researcher who himself is a resilient survivor. “For someone with a cord injury, your margin for surviving even small mistakes when it comesContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Oct. 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Many American arthritis sufferers aren’t getting any exercise despite its benefits for reducing pain and improving their quality of life, new research shows. Sixty-seven percent of U.S. adults with arthritis engaged in physical activity in the past month, most often walking, according toContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Oct. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) — After knee replacement surgery, many patients experience a level of pain that has them reaching for prescription opioid painkillers. Now new research suggests that using acupuncture during the operation may help reduce that pain without raising the risk of addiction. “The opioid epidemicContinue Reading