MONDAY, July 24, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Breakthrough new drugs that clear amyloid beta plaques from the brain are shaking up the field of Alzheimer’s disease research. The fact that patients’ mental deterioration slows when they’re on anti-amyloid drugs is solid proof that abnormal amyloid proteins are one of theContinue Reading

THURSDAY, July 20, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Many retirees opt to volunteer as a way to help others, but new research suggests this act can also benefit volunteers’ brain health. Volunteering later in life may provide protection for the brain from both cognitive (mental) decline and dementia, according to researchers.Continue Reading

THURSDAY, July 20, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Researchers around the world are working to tease out the mechanisms behind Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Now, a new study points to so-called systemic inflammation. British researchers found that inflammation — activation of the body’s innate immune system — isContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Chronic constipation may not only be an indicator of gut health, but a potential warning sign of thinking declines, a preliminary study suggests. Researchers found that among more than 110,000 middle-aged and older U.S. adults, those who were chronically constipated — fewer thanContinue Reading

MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) — A new study offers the first-ever county-level estimates of Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. It shows that the East and Southeast have the highest prevalence of Alzheimer’s dementia, which researchers said may owe in part to the higher percentages of older people,Continue Reading

MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Another experimental drug meant to slow the damage of Alzheimer’s appears poised to join a growing arsenal of new treatments for this memory-robbing disease. In research published online Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association and presented simultaneously at the Alzheimer’sContinue Reading

MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Writing letters, taking classes and playing mentally stimulating games like chess in your older years could lower your risk of dementia over the next decade, a new study suggests. Researchers in Australia found that journaling, using a computer, taking education classes and otherContinue Reading

MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Two new studies using CRISPR gene editing offer potential new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. “A pipeline of potential new treatments offers hope for the Alzheimer’s and dementia community,” said Maria Carrillo, chief science officer for the Alzheimer’s Association. “The progress and approvals we’veContinue Reading