Can Hands-On Prayer Help Heal?
African study in sight- and hearing-impaired people suggests it might, even if through placebo effectContinue Reading
African study in sight- and hearing-impaired people suggests it might, even if through placebo effectContinue Reading
Ability to make fine visual distinctions, sustain focus improved in study participantsContinue Reading
Combination of nanoparticles and stem cells cleans, heals clogged vessel walls, study showsContinue Reading
Small study finds benefit for young people, but another expert says the research is too preliminaryContinue Reading
Massage, relaxation intervention produced no significant benefits, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study finds it’s no better than placebo in relieving discomfort or boosting quality of lifeContinue Reading
In study, vitamins C, E supplements had little effect on preeclampsiaContinue Reading
Viable treatment is still a long way off, researchers sayContinue Reading
Researchers hope to identify patients for whom treatment will be ineffectiveContinue Reading
Following training, musicians’ anxiety decreased and their performance improved, researchers sayContinue Reading
Mutant gene tied to brain cell survival is promising research target, scientists sayContinue Reading
Years of practice help users avoid anticipating discomfort, research showsContinue Reading
Needle insertion stimulates production of chemical known to reduce discomfort, scientists sayContinue Reading
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