Cell-Based 'Tracking Devices' Might Help Monitor Treatments
Following trail of tiny iron filings, docs might observe heart changes, stem-cell treatmentsContinue Reading
Following trail of tiny iron filings, docs might observe heart changes, stem-cell treatmentsContinue Reading
Popular folk remedy holds up in analysis of 13 previous studies on urinary tract infectionsContinue Reading
Study finds choosing a technique you’re comfortable with makes you less likely to quitContinue Reading
Discovery marks a step closer to a cure, researchers sayContinue Reading
Bone marrow cells must be wiped out to improve cure rates, researchers sayContinue Reading
Relaxed women delivered about an hour and a half sooner than more anxious moms-to-beContinue Reading
Researchers say relaxation training, other non-drug therapies can help some patients with headachesContinue Reading
Using fresh, purified stem cells worked better, faster than cultured cells in early animal studyContinue Reading
Improved quality of life for 10-year-old with rare condition, researchers reportContinue Reading
Differences seen in white matter with ‘integrated body-mind training’Continue Reading
Transformed cells could lead to better ways of testing drugs for Alzheimer’s, researchers sayContinue Reading
New studies look at ways to stop smoking and fight cancer, heart disease and obesityContinue Reading
Researchers identify type of cell that blocks blood vessels, and may lead to heart attack, strokeContinue Reading
Study found herb worked better than sham treatment, but only after about 2 monthsContinue Reading
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