Smokers’ Broken Bones May Heal Less Quickly: Study
British researchers compared bone-healing stem cells in smokers, nonsmokersContinue Reading
British researchers compared bone-healing stem cells in smokers, nonsmokersContinue Reading
Small study tied higher levels of stress hormone to less well-being in older adultsContinue Reading
Swedish researchers say risk of infection, privacy issues may contributeContinue Reading
Two or three one-hour sessions a week reduced pain, improved functioning
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Practicing mindfulness lowers odds of depression, small study suggestsContinue Reading
Women, non-seniors more likely to be affected this way, researchers say
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Small study hints treatment could someday help patients fight AIDS virus without drugsContinue Reading
Tension-headache sufferers in particular may benefit from relaxation techniques, experts suggestContinue Reading
Genetic tweak of patient’s immune cells boosted chances of remission in advanced casesContinue Reading
But experts agree more research is needed to see if that translates into better classroom performanceContinue Reading
In mouse studies, Stanford researchers uncover potential reason behind muscles’ decline in old ageContinue Reading
Small study of couples found helpfulness seems associated with lower levels of calcium build-up in arteriesContinue Reading
Researchers recommend improving needle qualityContinue Reading
Doctors note advances in therapies have boosted survival ratesContinue Reading
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