THURSDAY, Aug. 2, 2018 (HealthDay News) — If dogs with arthritis can gain benefit from stem cell injections, maybe people can, too. That’s the opinion of an Italian veterinarian who oversaw the stem cell procedures in 130 arthritic dogs. “For at least six months, the results are very satisfactory andContinue Reading

TUESDAY, June 5, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Many migraine sufferers skip recommended behavioral treatments, such as stress management and talk therapy, a new study finds. Lack of time, cost and skepticism are among the reasons why, said Dr. Mia Minen, director of research for NYU Langone’s headache division in NewContinue Reading

THURSDAY, May 31, 2018 (HealthDay News) — If mindless eating can put on the pounds, it stands to reason that mindful eating can help with diet success. In fact, studies show that “eating-focused” mindfulness can bring significant changes in weight, in how you approach food, and even in psychological well-being.Continue Reading

FRIDAY, April 6, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Imagine a world in black and white. That’s the plight of people with an extremely rare condition called blue cone monochromacy, an inherited eye disease that renders people unable to see color. But there’s a glimmer of hope for the one in everyContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, March 7, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Stem cell clinics are charging big money for knee arthritis “cures” and making extravagant claims about their therapies, a new study contends. A same-day injection for one knee costs thousands of dollars at these centers, according to a consumer survey taken of clinicsContinue Reading

MONDAY, March 5, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Seeing too many social media posts from friends about their fitness activity can harm your body image, a new study contends. “When people received more posts about exercise, it made them more concerned about their weight — more self-conscious — and that’s notContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Jan. 9, 2018 (HealthDay News) — In a potential advance for medical research, scientists say they’ve created the first functioning human muscle from skin cells. The breakthrough could lead to better genetic or cell-based therapies, as well as furthering investigations into the causes and treatment of muscular disorders, theContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Dec. 28, 2017 (HealthDay News) — The millions of Americans caught in the grip of an addiction to opioids — prescription painkillers or heroin — remained the leading health news story of the past year. The scourge is now so widespread that, just last week, research suggested that deathsContinue Reading