THURSDAY, March 2, 2023 (HealthDay) — Allergic reactions to the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines are very rare, and a new study questions whether many of those that do occur are even real. In a small new study of 16 people who said they’d experienced an allergic reaction to aContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Feb. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) — When testing determines that a patient who was thought to be allergic to penicillin actually is not, the warning is expected to be removed from their charts and pharmacy records. But that “de-labeling” is not always happening. “Penicillin allergy labels are associated withContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Feb. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Doctors have dubbed kids’ progression from eczema to asthma the “atopic march,” and they know more about how it affects white children than their Black counterparts. Research scheduled for presentation at an upcoming meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyContinue Reading

SATURDAY, Dec. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — It might seem like your toddler or preschooler has a nose that is always runny, but experts say that’s normal. “Children under 6 years of age average six to eight colds per year, with symptoms lasting an average of 14 days,” said Dr.Continue Reading

SUNDAY, Nov. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — When loved ones come together for your Thanksgiving feast, keep in mind your those who have food allergies. Practice safety in menu planning, food preparation and even serving, urged Courtney Cary, a senior dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Be awareContinue Reading

MONDAY, Nov. 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The EpiPen is a known lifesaver when someone with a serious food allergy eats something they can’t tolerate. Yet the auto-injection treatment is greatly underused in the United States, according to a new survey. Just over half of at-risk adults said they hadContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Nov. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) — It’s a potentially deadly issue: Some U.S. school administrators don’t keep life-saving albuterol asthma inhalers on hand because they’re afraid of getting sued for misuse. That’s true even in states like Illinois, where strong “stock albuterol” laws are on the books, researchers say.Continue Reading