Alcohol and a Popular Painkiller
Even a small amount of alcohol combined with acetaminophen may increase your risk of kidney problems.
Even a small amount of alcohol combined with acetaminophen may increase your risk of kidney problems.
Survey found teens are getting message about dangers of alcoholContinue Reading
Drivers who are younger or paid less more likely to be users, international review foundContinue Reading
Study suggests practice may lead to slippery slope of alcohol problemsContinue Reading
A glass of wine at a restaurant may be 50 percent more potent than you think, experts warnContinue Reading
Meanwhile, other research saw no fertility effects from caffeine, alcoholContinue Reading
Study finds lower relapse rates, improved chances for surgery’s successContinue Reading
Tobacco, marijuana and alcohol use addressedContinue Reading
Width and location of the glass, color of the wine all seem to matter, researchers sayContinue Reading
Alone or combined with alcohol, study finds it multiplies the risk for road fatalitiesContinue Reading
Where alcohol is consumed — home, party, bar or park — affects whether man or woman is victimizedContinue Reading
But researcher isn’t ready to give up on the multi-pronged approachContinue Reading
‘Extreme’ binge drinking levels remain steady, while bingeing has declined, researchers sayContinue Reading
But study doesn’t show why seniors suffer less headache, nausea than younger people after heavy drinkingContinue Reading
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