More Americans Seek Treatment for Painkiller, Heroin Abuse
Report reflects changing patterns of substance abuseContinue Reading
Report reflects changing patterns of substance abuseContinue Reading
Report finds prescription painkillers, heroin largely to blame, with some states hit especially hardContinue Reading
Report finds prescription painkillers, heroin largely to blame, with some states hit especially hardContinue Reading
Interviews confirm desire for cheaper, more plentiful substituteContinue Reading
New initiative involves government, medical groups, media, drug store chains and moreContinue Reading
Washington, D.C.-based effort also saved $44 million in potential disease treatment costs over 2 yearsContinue Reading
It’s not clear why past drug dependence is linked to less gray matter in female brains, researchers sayContinue Reading
Prescription painkiller addiction often precedes use of street drugContinue Reading
But nearly all given the drug-addiction medication stayed on it once freed, study findsContinue Reading
Scientists say they have the answer, possibly paving way for treatmentsContinue Reading
Efforts to curb illicit drug use should target this population, researchers sayContinue Reading
Number of people needing treatment also rose in recent yearsContinue Reading
Lethal poisonings from prescription painkillers down slightly, U.S. report saysContinue Reading
MRI-based study finds illicit drug causes more damage in adolescentsContinue Reading
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