Drug-Free Housing Helps Heroin, Oxycontin Addicts Recover
Study found higher abstinence rates with housing, day treatmentContinue Reading
Study found higher abstinence rates with housing, day treatmentContinue Reading
CDC says cases indicate need for earlier access to prenatal care, drug awarenessContinue Reading
The U.S. can do its part to reduce the damage of addiction, experts sayContinue Reading
Study found 80 percent higher risk compared to users of other IV drugsContinue Reading
Lower levels of serotonin found in women who had used ‘rave’ drug up to two years earlierContinue Reading
But appropriate screening, monitoring recommended, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found users were 76 percent more likely to develop movement disorderContinue Reading
Up to 70% of cocaine in U.S. may be contaminated with drug meant for livestock, experts warnContinue Reading
Study of people addicted to drug finds structural harm in 83%Continue Reading
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