Health Tip: Controlling Dust and Dust Mites

Health Tip: Controlling Dust and Dust Mites

(HealthDay News) — Many people are allergic to dust, and to the tiny mites that thrive inside it.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology suggests these tips to minimize dust and dust mites:

  • Since you probably spend at least eight hours in the bedroom, do your best to get rid of dust where you sleep.
  • Place an allergen-proof cover on your mattress, box spring and pillows, as well as on any comforter that isn’t washable.
  • Wash bedding each week in hot water and dry it on the hot setting.
  • Run air conditioning or use a dehumidifier to control humidity.
  • Get rid of carpeting, if possible. Use washable throw rugs instead.