Twitter Chat: How to Prepare for a Healthy School Year

Twitter Chat: How to Prepare for a Healthy School Year

TUESDAY, Aug. 13 (HealthDay News) — Are you looking for expert advice for your back-to-school health questions?

Dr. Cindy Haines (@DrCindyHaines), HealthDay’s chief medical officer and host of HealthDay TV, will be discussing topics such as nutritious school lunches (at any age), juggling backpack weight, school year sleep habits, managing allergies and other chronic conditions, and more during a Twitterchat this Wednesday. Feel free to join the conversation and ask your own questions.

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2013

Time: 1 p.m. ET

Hashtag: #HealthDayChat

Hosts: @HealthDayEditor, @DrCindyHaines, @BrophyMarcus